Posted by: maboulette | March 18, 2011


I am so tired of trying to keep up with my blog that I decided to take a break today – no current events, no

Diet Dr. Pepper addict

earthquakes, no wars and no politics.   Today I am going to talk with you about a serious problem – addiction.    My cat has an addiction to Diet Dr. Pepper.

This cat is very special to me – she was chased by a bunch of puppies into the house of my boss some 11 years ago and since she scratched my boss who was trying to get the kitten out from under her bed, this kitten ended up in rabies quarantine for several weeks.  Yes,  a jail  record beginning as a teenager.  She was given all her shots and my boss had all those puppies so they did not want her back.  Knowing that I was a cat lover, they asked me if I wanted her.  How could I say no??

I named her KayKay and she is a torte cat.  Tortoiseshell describes a coat coloring found mostly in female cats. Cats of this color are mottled, with patches of orange or cream and chocolate, black or blue. They are sometimes called torties for short.  Cats of this coloration are believed to bring good luck (none here) in the folklore of many cultures. In the United States, these are sometimes referred to as money cats.  Why money cats – I have no idea since she has never held a job or made any money in these 11 years.

She is basically my cat or I am her human – and KayKay only has one problem.  She is an addict – has a vicious problem with Diet Dr. Pepper.  I am the Diet Dr. Pepper addict who got her hooked so I guess I am an enabler.  Every time I put my cup down, she has her head as far down the cup as she can get – I am unsure if she is snorting the cola or drinking it.

The only effects that I can see are that she has remained skinny even after being “fixed” and she has these unique bursts of energy where she runs through the apartment for long periods at a time – so fast that she doesn’t even look where she is going – she just goes – from the bedroom, down the hall, around the living room, down the hall, into the bathroom, over my bed and then the same pattern again.  Now, I know that all cats have these bursts of energy where they just start running for no reason of all – but normally it does not last very long – except with KayKay.  It can last for 30 minutes or more or until she runs into something and gets stunned.  That’s right – she gets high and runs into things.

So, if any of you cat lovers know of any good 12-Step programs for Diet Dr. Pepper addiction, please let me know – I think both of us need to kick the sauce.  Better yet, if you have a good idea on how she can get a job as a spokes-cat for Diet Dr. Pepper – please let us know!


  1. A cat that drinks Diet Dr. Pepper? That’s way funny! It’s a ‘money’ cat because they’ll drink you into poverty. Start swapping in tap water a little at a time and they’ll probably never catch on. I had a neighbor once that had a German Shepherd that ate turds, but I guess that doesn’t count.

    • I am trying to get a good picture of her drinking the DP but she seems to know that she is not suppose to do it and I can’t get a good one.!!! Thanks for reading that article.

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